

        The webinar that I attended on the 8th of March at 10pm was about "Equipping Educators with Effective Violence Prevention and Crisis Response Strategies" presented by Dr. Amy Klinger and Amanda Klinger. The aim of the whole webinar was to make clear that safety is educators issue and not law enforcement. 
        After some statistics made, they came to a conclusion that 12.6% increase in active shooters were reported in U.S. So, school must take actions for preventing violence but there are 3 major problems as Dr. Amy stated. The first problem is that schools would say treats wont happen here, the second major problem is that school would say committing is not enough and the third problem is reactionary. Dr. Amy gave solutions to each problem stated above. For the first problem she said, even though it is not likely to happen but it is important to improve safety and be proactive and be prepared for the hazards. for the second problem, she gave solution by doing training's and having pre-service teachers and admins and connect them with great resources. And finally for the third problem, she said that school should be comprehensive and take all hazards approach since it is developmentally appropriate. 
         Dr. Amy also presented a picture of a gun with three colors stating that most shootings end violently, 14% end non-violently, 40% by applied forces and 46% by suicide.
The most important point in  the whole webinar was how to respond to active shooters? By running, hiding  and fighting. 
          Last but not least, she made clear what to do during a violent act. Some of the actions to take is to remove distractions, to practice non-typical situation, to talk to students about rationale, not yell, not grab the officer and never trying to pick up the gun...
          Finally, they ended their lecture by saying that" One of the most useful tools a school can develop... is a multidisciplinary school threat assessment team", where this teams job is to detect the violent act before happening since any violent act engage in prior notice. 


  1. Regarding violence issue, schools can play a radical role in directing students towards practicing such behaviors or not. We, as teachers, can leave a great impact on our students and we can let them be better individuals by teaching them how being nice to others would let them be nice to themselves as well. That's why, implanting within students the love of helping others and being good individuals since their childhood, would avoid leading them to do unacceptable behaviors later. As a result, even if we think that crimes or violence would never take place in our class or school, we must keep guiding and directing students to go through the safe and right path.

  2. I attended the same webinar, although some ideas were really nice but they were not really applicable in our schools. Most violence actions are limited to different kinds of bullying. Thankfully we haven't witnessed any shooting or mass violence actions. But being equipped and knowledgeable about such topics would only make us aware of things that might happen so we can avoid them. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I think that most of the circumstances in u.s are different from those in the oriental countries that leads to violence but we can benefit from the events that happen in u.s to avoid such violence


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