
Armenia: My Hometown

I'm a Lebanese Armenian citizen. I have born and lived in Lebanon for 26 years and visited my hometown only once and going to visit it soon once more.
I want to encourage you to go and see this heaven on earth. A pure land who has fought and lost a lot.
It is located on the West Asia and has boarders with Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan.
It is the first country who turned christian on 301 AC.
The unique alphabet of Armenians were created by Mesrob Mashdots in 405 AC.
During WWI, Armenians were subjected to genocide by the Ottoman Empire which lead to their distribution all around the world and that is why wherever you go in the world you'll surly find an Armenian.
From 1922 til 1900 Armenia was under the effect of Soviet Union and got independent in 1991.
Armenia has total area of 29,743km2


  1. Nice to meet you, I am Palestinian citizen, I was born in Lebanon and I never visited my hometown. I like to know some information about Armenian map.


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