
Pestalozzi, the Western Philosopher and its influence on education

        Pestalozzi influenced the system of education in many ways. Even though his work was with poor children but his work flourished to change the principals of education. The pedagogical theory of Pestalozzi is practiced in enormous degrees in the Western word. His theory contributed three main changes in the education system. First, he inspired new movements the reform of philanthropic educational institutions. Second, he created new methodology for elementary education that was introduced to school and also into programs of teacher education and these methodologies are adopted in Europe and America. Third, his own example gave teachers a high professional ethos.
          His main concern was to alter the misery existed in the world and he accomplished his goal and changed the education system and his pedagogy known as Pestalozzians influenced the English school system in the first half of the 19th century. His pedagogy affected the education where the program turned to be the joint responsibilities of the teachers and the pupils.


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