
Effects of Education on Society

          Education had directly affected the quality of life, values of the society and the progress of the spiritual and the material life, from ancient time till today. As time changes, the form and methodology of education is also changing. In old days, religion and education were very much connected, and there were a lot of philosophers that related their words to religion like the idealist philosopher Augustine and the realist philosopher Thomas Aquinas. But today, as we are in the 21th century, the scope of education has changed enormously and has been directly linked to the great refinement in the civilization, norms, social development and responsive administration. The impact of education has reached all spheres of life and all globes of the universe.
          In ancient times, there were many misunderstanding in the universe, like thunderstorms were contributed to the manifestation of the wrath of god and some people used to perform rituals to cure the bite of the snake, also some supernatural causes were attributed to diseases like chickenpox, but science proved these theories wrong and education was the principal cause to replace and uproot such superstitions and social maladies. Education gave great impact on the lives of many people and the modern society changed drastically to better. The awareness level in the society improved and peace is much seen than before. Education has power to change people’s lives and Malala Yousfazai is a live example of this. She said “All I want is education and I’m afraid of no one”. She is a Pakistani activist and the youngest person to win the Nobel peace prize and her advocacy to permit education to children and women, has grown into international movement. She believes that one book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change he word, and her beliefs are very true. I personally resemble her to Gundi.
             Moreover, we all hear of a sudden appearance of a disease and health hazards and also natural disasters, but education with its powerful researches and development can solve all these sudden problems and prevent degeneration.
          When there was absence of education in many parts of the world, dark ages were observed with many cruelties. But when a society is educated we observe quality life, we see enlightenment and also flourish of technology and sciences. The most important is peace and refined culture. With entry of education in a society, directly the living standards will be changed positively. Through education, men have understood many branches of science and technology and have been able to cure diseases that cause death long time ago. Cannibalism and many superstitions were prevalent in some of the parts of the word but education eradicated all these evils. Child marriages in India have also declined in the recent period due to education.
             There are new challenges in life that is leading to moral degeneration and to overcome such crisis, education is our only hope and the only answer to the new challenges of life. Also there are many new diseases and the cure for them is through the new branches of education like the biotechnology to offer better medicine and new cures. There is great need for productivity in the agriculture and again this productivity can’t be reached without the new branches of education which are the potential sources of feeding the human population all around the world.


  1. I agree with you that humans with their development progressed a lot and always trying to do which is a great advantage that makes us confident about our abilities and challenges we face. However, i think that in our days we should be wise enough to invest these abilities and our education to "vaccinate" selves in order to reduce our problem and diseases instead of focusing only on the cure.

  2. Exactly, the relation between education, beliefs, actions, and society is intertwined, as no one can neglect how our education affects our personality, thinking, and behavior that are all together the building blocks of our character, and the building of all the characters in a place is the building of its society.


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