
Showing posts from 2018


East Vs West Philosphoes

These two philosophies differ in three principles: individualism vs. collectivism, fragmentary and holistic, and conflict and harmony. First, individualism is highly desired in the West. I think this is ironic because although people may superficially praise individualism, what they really want is conformity. In a philosophical context, Western schools emphasize the individual experience as being independent from the universe and society. Just as the Western idea of individualism can get out of hand; the idea of collectivism has been damaging in the history of the East. Example, Tyrannical communist leaders have devastated people from North Korea to Cambodia. Another example is that Confucianism and Taoism, while they do share some similarities, are actually different. Confucianism is more political and ethical, and it stresses duty to others, tradition, and ceremony. On the other hand, Taoism is more metaphysical and epistemological, and is similar to Western philosophies since st

Armenia: My Hometown

I'm a Lebanese Armenian citizen. I have born and lived in Lebanon for 26 years and visited my hometown only once and going to visit it soon once more. I want to encourage you to go and see this heaven on earth. A pure land who has fought and lost a lot. It is located on the West Asia and has boarders with Georgia, Turkey, Iran and Azerbaijan. It is the first country who turned christian on 301 AC. The unique alphabet of Armenians were created by Mesrob Mashdots in 405 AC. During WWI, Armenians were subjected to genocide by the Ottoman Empire which lead to their distribution all around the world and that is why wherever you go in the world you'll surly find an Armenian. From 1922 til 1900 Armenia was under the effect of Soviet Union and got independent in 1991. Armenia has total area of  29,743km 2

Wim Hof technique

Wim Hof is known as Iceman and is a Dutch. He is very much famous in the breathing technique he explains and how to fight against cold and diseases. I wanted to write one of my posts about him so that my class mates become familiar and try to use his methods. The logo of Wim to to become happy and healthy. He explains a procedure of breathing which include inhaling from the nose and exhaling from the mouth for approximately 30 times, then catching your breath as long as possible and repeating the steps for 3 times. This procedure will help in more energy, reduction of stress level, and increase in immunity against any pathogen. These benefits are because of increase in the level of oxygen entering. When the breathing is done in this way, then next step is the cold therapy, where cold will become your warm friend and cold will help burn yellow fat faster and thus accelerate in the breaking down of the brown fat from the adipose tissues into yellow and burning it. Also cold reduces infla

Introduction to Neo Skinnerian Model and when to use it

  Introduction to Neo Skinnerian Model It is a module of discipline that is concerned with shaping desired behavior. This model is related to Skinner’s new ideas that were taken from him by other writers and used by them to shape students’ behavior in class, so it was not proposed by him.   (Andrius, 2013) It is about behavior modification that teachers need to have in their classes with students in order to have good classroom management especially for young teacher. This model states that “Behavior is conditioned by its consequences. Behavior is strengthened if followed immediately by reinforcement and it is weakened if it is not reinforced.”   (Allen, 1996) There are 3 steps before adapting this model. First, the teacher should do an analysis to determine concerns and decide what the desired behavior should be. Second, the teacher should develop a plan and connect the desired behaviors she/he wishes to accomplish, with the reinforcements and the consequences needed t

The aim of education according to Swami, an eastern philospher

          According to Swami, the child has all the spiritual and material knowledge but it is covered by curtain so the aim of education should be concerned to achieve fullness of perfection.   Education should tear the veil so that the knowledge will shine. Also another aim of education according to Swami is development of the mental and physical state in the child. He believed that if a child has grown well, he will be the a great citizen and a crucial member in the society, also by this way will be able to develop his own world instead of depending on others and becoming parasite on them. He added that the greatness of citizens can be achieved through moral and spiritual development which education should foster. He believed when the education system turns to develop the mental, physical, spiritual and moral state of the child, this will eventually lead to purity of thought, words and deeds. He had the famous say “Arise, awake and stop not till the goal is achieved”, meaning th

Pestalozzi, the Western Philosopher and its influence on education

                                     Pestalozzi influenced the system of education in many ways. Even though his work was with poor children but his work flourished to change the principals of education. The pedagogical theory of Pestalozzi is practiced in enormous degrees in the Western word. His theory contributed three main changes in the education system. First, he inspired new movements the reform of philanthropic educational institutions. Second, he created new methodology for elementary education that was introduced to school and also into programs of teacher education and these methodologies are adopted in Europe and America. Third, his own example gave teachers a high professional ethos.           His main concern was to alter the misery existed in the world and he accomplished his goal and changed the education system and his pedagogy known as Pestalozzians influenced the English school system in the first half of the 19 th century. His pedagogy affected the education

Benefits of Educational Games

Nowadays, the computer games are the most spread games in the whole world and all aged children are sitting in front of the TV with that control in their hands and without knowing that control is controlling their brains and making them think like robots. We as teachers and mothers at the same time should do our best to stop our children and students playing these video games and instead give our time to them and make them play educational games that will enhance their memory, activate their thinking ability, develop hand-eye coordination... If a teacher uses these type of games in her teaching, this will help the learner get higher scores, since they will me more engaged in the activity and increases their learning abilities. Moreover, these types of games have proven to have a significant effect of students with ADHD and has helped them to increase their skill buildings. So, as a mother and a teacher at the same time I encourage to use educationale games at school and at homes and

Reading vs watching the movie

Since I was a child I adored reading books, I used to read Armenian historical books and afterward I started reading English novels and the author that I become astonished with her words is Daniel Steel. She is an author of creativity and great imagination. I personally believe that reading and verbalizing my thought has helped me a lot in my education and in my career. Watching the movie of that particular book doesn't mean a lot to me, since I feel, the movie is so much shortened and lacks the important details that I have imagined and have flown with them in my dreams. I myself encourage every person to read as many books as possible rather than watching the movie to have creative mind and strong analysis. 


        The webinar that I attended on the 8th of March at 10pm was about "Equipping Educators with Effective Violence Prevention and Crisis Response Strategies" presented by Dr. Amy Klinger and Amanda Klinger. The aim of the whole webinar was to make clear that safety is educators issue and not law enforcement.          After some statistics made, they came to a conclusion that 12.6% increase in active shooters were reported in U.S. So, school must take actions for preventing violence but there are 3 major problems as Dr. Amy stated. The first problem is that schools would say treats wont happen here, the second major problem is that school would say committing is not enough and the third problem is reactionary. Dr. Amy gave solutions to each problem stated above. For the first problem she said, even though it is not likely to happen but it is important to improve safety and be proactive and be prepared for the hazards. for the second problem, she gave solution by doing t

Educ 560

Educ 560 is a very useful course taught by Mrs. Amal Farhat. Until now we have learnt many new and significant information about using google doc. I liked the idea on working on google doc and saving it in the cloud, so that it will be always with you, no need for flash drives. Also, this doc can be edited by the coordinator and can be chatted there. Moreover, google forms are also useful. For today, we learnt how to create a blog and be a blogger.